If by Christian…

For much of my life it was easy to answer in the affirmative when asked, “Are you a Christian?”  Now I pause a bit, unsure of how to give an …

Warning flags, parallels to not be missed

Why would professing followers of Jesus get and stay onboard with obvious acts of socially-produced evil? This important question has been rightly posed regarding German Christians amid the rise of …

Learning to debate like Jesus

One motivation for deeply exploring the idea of a “Jesus worldview” was the recognition that our typical arguments about theology and politics aren’t constructive. We tend to argue politics with …

Sacrifices on the altar of fear

Whether unintended or by design, shifting one’s priority from following Jesus to a conflicting ideology while attempting to retain the Christian trade name allows for doing — or at least …

Whole lotta shaken going on 

There is no shortage of good causes that deserve our support. And plenty of voices are out there asking us to give and give more.  Those of us with philanthropic …