This new website represents an early, growing and important step in the second phase of the Jesus Worldview Initiative. So let me offer a few words about the reasoning and ways this worthwhile new effort is taking shape.
The Jesus Worldview Initiative was not planned. It happened organically and has continued to grow with greater awareness of its importance.

The initiative grew out of response to an editorial titled “How about a Jesus worldview?” that I wrote in Nurturing Faith Journal in 2017.
The call for a deeper look at the concerns raised led to many discussions, additional writings, published resources, church and organizational presentations, and eight small-group retreats.
The premise was simple and simply troublesome: that much of Americanized Christianity is defined apart from the life and teachings of Jesus — and his primary call to “Follow me.”
These deflections, redirections and redefinitions come out of a shift from an emphasis on following Jesus to what is deemed “believing the Bible.”
These so-called “essential beliefs” are often extracted, misrepresented or manufactured to support religious and political ideologies that are often at odds with Jesus’ life, teachings and calling.
The Jesus Worldview Initiative raises this alarming awareness — and provides the needed lens for seeing the ways Jesus is actually present in or absent from what is deemed Christian.
Then comes the critical task of articulating, applying and advancing a Jesus priority over all other competing ideologies.
Rather than rarely productive debates over doctrine or political ideologies, this focus is placed clearly on heeding the call that Jesus extended to his first followers and to all who would come after them.
The concerns out of which the Jesus Worldview Initiative emerged have not gone away. In fact, they are ever present in the public arena today — within and without congregational and denominational life.
The rise of Christian nationalism — which is not to be confused with Christianity — is one example of why the need for the Jesus Worldview Initiative to continue is worth our time, effort and support.
Therefore, this second phase (which I am guiding along with others) is a more singularly focused effort following my retirement from Good Faith Media and a 24-year editorship of Nurturing Faith Journal the end of 2023.
Congregational leaders continue to engage in this effort to identify the reality of Jesus being diminished in much of Americanized Christianity. And they are seeking resources for refocusing on Jesus’ life, teachings and calling.
The rights to this initiative were granted to me by Good Faith Media — with the expectation of voluntary collaboration around resulting projects. Other organizations, including various churches, have expressed interest as well.
Belmont University in Nashville has warmly and supportively offered to host the Jesus Worldview Initiative through its Rev. Charlie Curb Center for Faith Leadership. Led by former pastor Jon Roebuck, the center provides excellent programming and resources.
Belmont is a great fit for this initiative as a “Christ-centered university” with an openness to diverse thought and shared learning. The Jesus Worldview Initiative is connected to the faith leadership center similarly to the Belmont Initiative for Jewish Engagement.
While operational funds for the Jesus Worldview Initiative must come from generous gifts from supporters, the initiative is tied to other aspects of the faith leadership center’s mission.
Belmont University provides excellent services to support the Jesus Worldview Initiative, including professionally receiving and processing designated charitable gifts. Details on how to make a gift, are available here.
Gifts to launch the second phase of the Jesus Worldview Initiative are now being received so the necessary groundwork can be done.
The initiative will emerge more fully over time in 2024 and beyond as new writings, resources and events are offered.
There are good ways for keeping up with and engaging in the Jesus Worldview Initiative.
The Belmont site (belmont.edu/faith-leadership) and this new Jesus Worldview Initiative site (jesusworldview.org) will be linked to provide general information and more detailed resources.
A free e-newsletter will provide updates on the initiative. Interested persons may sign up here to receive it.
Workshop, conference and retreat opportunities will be forthcoming as well, as this iteration of theJesus Worldview Initiativebecomes more fully developed.
The focus, however, remains clear: that Christianity is best defined by a faithfulness to the one for whom it is named above any other ideology or priority.