
A Sunday afternoon: imagined

Sunday afternoon gatherings of extended family — and a friend or two who might need a family — had no firm starting time. Factors included the length of the sermon …

When the pathway stops glowing

In the golden days of hymns we sang, “We will follow the steps of Jesus where’er they go.” Then in the early days of choruses we sang, “I have decided …

Getting rescued from Mount Stupid

Holding firmly to one’s beliefs was among the earliest edicts in the faith tradition that nurtured me. That was bad advice. It was built on the false notion that we …

Fixing the fix

To a large degree, professing Christians in America got in on the fix by rearranging the essentials of the faith to which Jesus calls those who seek to live in …

Support determines scale

Thanksgiving is a good time to reflect on the first year of the Jesus Worldview Initiative as part of the Rev. Charlie Curb Center for Faith Leadership at Belmont University. …