Getting on the right trail
Anyone else tired of being told “what the Bible says” by those who ignore what Jesus said? It seems to be a daily experience. Sadly, the roots of misguided Christianity …
Anyone else tired of being told “what the Bible says” by those who ignore what Jesus said? It seems to be a daily experience. Sadly, the roots of misguided Christianity …
For much of my life it was easy to answer in the affirmative when asked, “Are you a Christian?” Now I pause a bit, unsure of how to give an …
Why would professing followers of Jesus get and stay onboard with obvious acts of socially-produced evil? This important question has been rightly posed regarding German Christians amid the rise of …
One motivation for deeply exploring the idea of a “Jesus worldview” was the recognition that our typical arguments about theology and politics aren’t constructive. We tend to argue politics with …
Whether unintended or by design, shifting one’s priority from following Jesus to a conflicting ideology while attempting to retain the Christian trade name allows for doing — or at least …
By Ruth Sprayberry DuCharme Recently, my husband, Cass, and I returned from a time of retreat and relaxation at the Garden of the Gods Resort in Colorado Springs. After picking …
By David White This writing comes as I embark on another eight-session facilitation of A Jesus Worldview: Seeing Through the Eyes of Jesus for a community-based Sunday School group. It …
There is no shortage of good causes that deserve our support. And plenty of voices are out there asking us to give and give more. Those of us with philanthropic …