The unfortunate reduction of Christianity to “believing the Bible”
From billboards to pulpits to social media postings, we are told to turn to the Bible for answers. Indeed, many answers may be found in those ancient and inspired pages. …
From billboards to pulpits to social media postings, we are told to turn to the Bible for answers. Indeed, many answers may be found in those ancient and inspired pages. …
Just a bit more than a century ago a series of pamphlets — titled The Fundamentals — were produced and widely distributed. With some Christians rattled by Darwin’s view of …
This new website represents an early, growing and important step in the second phase of the Jesus Worldview Initiative. So let me offer a few words about the reasoning and …
Many of today’s boldly proclaimed beliefs—masked as Christianity—are birthed through the narrow canal of fear. This exceeding high birth rate follows a pattern, a particular lineage. Cultural changes are the …
However, the bishop said a stoic security person suddenly looked alarmed, apparently thinking he’d heard “There’s a bomb in Gilead” coming from the preacher’s mouth. “I’m here to suggest that Christianity goes …
Those who promote a “biblical worldview” — or a “Christian worldview” — tend to give Jesus less billing than a bit player. He becomes little more significant than a slightly …
Beware of a scam. Much of what is portrayed as Christianity in America is bogus. The values on the inside don’t match the label on the outside. False advertising is …
Yes, I know: “God has breathed life into all Scripture. It is useful for teaching us what is true. It is useful for correcting our mistakes. It is useful for …